Montessori School of Evergreen

Why Montessori?

Choosing Montessori is an investment in your child that will build an independent, academically successful, global minded, and courteous human being.   

Our methods are consistently backed by current research in education and human development. As we move forward into a new future, we believe Montessori has what it takes to prepare children.

Individualized learning

Conventional methods of education were developed specifically to prepare large numbers of children to enter the workforce. Traditionally, little thought has been given to differentiating instruction or catering to the needs of individual children. That has been changing in recent years, but many schools are still in the early years of personalizing education.

Montessori education focuses on individualized learning, hands-on experiences, and self-directed exploration. Our students learn at the pace needed for specific subjects, develop critical thinking skills, and become confident, independent learners.

MSE is a welcoming, connected and engaged community. 

MSE fosters a welcoming and safe environment where everyone feels respected and included. That value is rooted in our globally-minded curriculum which develops understanding and celebrates differences.

Montessori emphasizes more than just academics...

Lots of people use the phrase ‘teaching to the whole child’ but in Montessori schools we mean that on a very deep level. MSE’s approach holistically understands human development, including social-emotional skills, navigating conflict, advocacy for self and others, resilience, practical skills.

Montessori Students are encouraged to question, think critically, and have agency in what they’re learning, as opposed to other schools that have regimented curriculum that must be adhered to.

...but the academics are a huge strength

The above mentioned being said, Montessori academics are often hailed as some of the highest standards there are. It is not uncommon to see four-year-olds in our schools reading, six-year-olds completing long division problems, and nine-year-olds classifying botanical specimens. These tasks are completed joyfully, in part because we present information in such a way that children discover it for themselves rather than passively taking in facts given by an adult.

This is education for our rapidly changing world.

This is education for the future.

This is education for life.

This is Montessori.

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